Friday 13 May 2011


One of my absolute favourite bands. Pete Doherty - no matter what anybody says - is a fucking genius. 

Thursday 5 May 2011


It's been a while since I have last blogged. But as the night dawns upon us, you come to think. Lying in bed at night is where I think the most. I think about all the regrets I have, things i should have done differently and - at the moment - things I wish I could change. It's strange how things change, how people change... how life changes. It takes seconds to make mistakes, yet it takes a while to correct them. I'm sure, everyone - yes this includes you - has been through that stage in life whereas you have completely fucked it. For days after, you sit wondering whether it will ever actually leave your mind. Whether it will remain to be an everyday thought, or whether it will eventually disappear completely. You see, I may sound naive as i have not fully experienced life yet, I quite obviously haven't yet gone the 3 score years and 10. But if you can't call this your life then what can you call it? Are we just roaming round waiting for something to happen? Or are we actually fucking experiencing life. If you know me, I say  that I have no regrets. I do. Oh, I certainly do. (If Calsberg could make mistakes...). But the thing is, I only say this because I know I cannot change my past. I've experienced a lot. Which I can honestly say, I do not regret. I've learnt from mistakes, made them again (maybe ten times worse) and learnt better. But that is all part of life. If we can't fall down twice and get up three times now then when can we? When we're half way through life, married and parents? There is no time to fuck up there, there is too much responsibility to fuck up big time there. But now, we are young. It's best to look after yourself before you commit to looking after anything else. Fuck it. That is what i'm sayin'.

Sunday 16 January 2011

New times!

It's my first post of 2011. I have finally realised that 2010 was a good year. A great summer, and a great in-between. Shit happened and I loved every second of it, no matter what I regret. Because fuck regret, and fuck everyone else too!
An inspiration of mine is Billy Bragg. He speaks so greatly of life, and is a sensitive song writer. He genuinely inspires me to speak my mind and take all opportunities.


Tuesday 28 December 2010


Never again, will there be another one that's as desirable as you.

You see, I've been watching the Twilight saga, and reading the books again and I am so boundlessly jealous of Edward and Bella. I know it isn't real, but seeing a love as passionate as that, it really makes you ponder as to whether you will grow up to be in the same relationship, being in love. When I was younger, admittedly, I was foolish and thought I loved the people I spent a month or so with. That was incredibly naive, but we all do it. Sometimes you think you are head over heels with someone, but that can vanish in an instant. People say hate is a strong word, but then we throw around the word love as if it means nothing. Values and morales should not have to fade, we all have that instinct buried in our minds telling us what we need to do to render the decency and innocence that we are born with. Of course, many people have lost reputation and standards over the years. This mostly happens in secondary school. It's something that will hit everybody, and I for one have been through the worst of it. It's queer how quickly a catastrophe can blow over. 
I am thankful for everything that has happened in my life, I really am. I cannot wait to see what is lying ahead. 
Ciao x

Friday 17 December 2010

Shocking the Nation

I haven't blogged in so long! I apologise. It's been a busy time, I found out I was marked a B on my physics exam which I was incredibly pleased about, seeing as I had no clue what I was writing down, was 100% sure I was going to fail, but ah surprises are everywhere right?
So my Dad bought a cinema sound system for the front rooms tv yeah, one word, MEGA. As we were watching a war film (The Thin Red Line, I recommend) I literally felt as if I was on the front line. All I could hear were gunshots from behind me and the sofa was vibrating because of the bombs going off. Honestly felt like ducking for cover, admittedly, I did. Numerous times. It cost 400 pounds but that has all gone to Mr. Visa Bill. Highly recommended, absolutely immense.
On the subject of television, it has been rather good lately! With the series finales of Desperate Housewives and Misfits, I have been thoroughly entertained. Not to mention the finales of Ugly Betty and The Apprentice soon to come. I'm debating whether I am looking forward to Skins or not. Lets be honest, the cast look like a bunch of benders, with a ginger kid and no eye candy. R.I.P Series 1 and 2, oh how we all remember the blood rushing through our veins as the thrill of rebellion and anti social behaviour was projected for the world to see. Drugs, sex and rock'n'roll.

Friday 3 December 2010

Just a lil Something..

Click the image to enlarge it, you rascal.
Yeah boy, click to enlarge 
Finished my wall! After 2 days of hard cutting out, and sticking on. It's done. I think it became an obsession. I stayed up till 2 this morning finishing it off! I literally couldn't leave it with gaps! I bought 4 magazines. Nme, Kerrang, Glamour and Company. I'm quite proud of it, it's creative, and I haven't been able to show any creativity in ages since I unfortunately didn't choose art. Boy do I miss art. Anyway, I hope you think it's good, just as much as I do! 
Laters xoxox

Dance With the Enemy

December. Wow. I cannot Believe how fast this year has past. I can still remember sitting at my friends house with a drink in hand, celebrating new year with my girls. And to think that day is less than a month away. I don't like how everyone considers 2011 to automatically be a fresh start. It's not, I'm sure the majority of people will be exactly the same person as they are now, no matter what year it is. I'm not going to change. I already have done that. So much has happened this year that has changed me drastically. I realise that to be seen and not heard, sometimes is the best solution! I've nailed into my head the fact that whatever happens now, however bad it may be, when I'm 30 odd, I'll look back at this dilemma and vaguely even remember it. I couldn't give a second thought to people that may hate me, you win some, you lose some. If they hate you anyway, it's not much of a loss is it? I only really need a select few to get me through life. Family and my true friends. All the rest is simply getting in the way. So who needs it? I'm going to try and stop caring so much. It always gets me in trouble. Although, I really can't take criticism, as you might have guessed from my post way back about Formspring. So, it does annoy me for people to think of me in a bad way. I've made plenty of mistakes. Mistakes that could scar, trust me. But hasn't everyone? Everyone has fucked up now and then. It's the way you redeem yourself afterwards, that's what people should judge. Change, it's a wonderful thing.
In other news, Russia got the world cup ay? To be honest, it would have been great for us to get it, but its not the end of the world. If people are major bothered, then feel free to book a flight. I doubt we'll even win, but there's always hope!

I'll leave you with this

"Like a giant adrenaline needle, punched through your rib cage, 'Perfect Stranger' was a lovesick rush that killed yawn-some arguments about Magnetic Man's relevance and integrity instantly stone dead. The nagging pulse that jerked your heart into your mouth, then suddenly, the butterflies in your stomach drop. Katy B's phenomenal voice crooning "Your energy when you touch me lifted me off of the ground"... nothing in 2010 summed up the synapse-shorting overload of lust so well." - NME MAG. TOO FUCKING RIGHT.

Ciao x